Tag Archives: World Book Night

World Book Night

Me: “Want to hear a great idea I just found out about?”

You: “Sure, why not?”

Me: “World Book Night 2012 is looking for people to be book givers!”

You: “What’s a ‘book giver’?”

Me: “Someone who brings joy and enlightenment by giving away books.”

You: “Really?”

Me: “Really. Want to know more?”

You: “Sure.”

Me: “Here’s their mission, straight from the website: “World Book Night is an annual celebration designed to spread a love of reading and books. To be held in the U.S. as well as the U.K. and Ireland on April 23, 2012. It will see tens of thousands of people go out into their communities to spread the joy and love of reading by giving out free World Book Night paperbacks…successfully launched in the U.K. in 2011, World Book Night will also be celebrated in the U.S. in 2012, with news of more countries to come in future years. Please join our mailing list for regular World Book Night U.S. news. And thank you to our U.K. friends for such a wonderful idea!”

You: “Cool.”

Me: “Sounds interesting, right? Apply to be a book giver! They’re looking for 50,000 volunteers to hand out books. Sounds like fun to me! I applied and I hope you do too. Here’s the link: WBN 2012.”

You: “Thanks!”